Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Blog Post #1: News and Information Sources

 Blog Post #1 

Source #1: Snapchat 
Although the app Snapchat may be controversial, some may argue that it can be used as a news source. There is one specific page I follow on Snapchat to see what is going on and I find it to be reputable when comparing to other news sources. This is a Snapchat original and they are known as Stayed Tuned. Stayed Tuned is run by NBC and this page that I follow explains and updates its followers what is going on in the news on a day-to-day basis. This page posts up to two times a day and sometimes even more when something big is going on in the news. I find this page that I follow on Snapchat, not only really interesting but also one of my main sources of news and information with everything that goes on in the world. 

Source #2: TikTok
When I am scrolling throughout TikTok, I have run into more and more pages that deal with what is going on in the news that day. This then leads me to watch most of that page to learn new information and get new insight on the news that I may have missed. Although when I originally downloaded TikTok it would not have been to watch the news and learn information about what is going on around the world, I find watching pages that are informing the public of this information really beneficial. TikTok, like Snapchat, may be controversial but is also one of the bigger sources I get my news and information from. 
Source #3: YouTube
Ever so often I tend to go onto YouTube and look up what is going on in the news. Doing this allows me to watch short videos of what is going on in todays society. Having Youtube to just quickly look up and learn new information has been really beneficial to stay in tuned with the news and media. I tend to use YouTube as a source to watch news when I hear about something going on that I want to learn more about.
Google logo - Wikipedia
Source #4: Google 
Having Google allows me at anytime and anywhere to look up what is going on in the news. With the age of smart phones, Google and other search engines are growing rapidly. This serves as both a positive and negative. A positive would be that Google provides a news source at my finger tips. It allows for quick, easy, and accessible news in the push of button on my personal smart phone. Although, it can also serve as a negative source of news. Because Google is a search engine, it may show me some bias sources. As long as I am aware that some news articles may serve as "click bait" or be biased, using Google serves as a beneficial information source. 
Source #5: Newsday
Newsday is a local news source for me in Long Island, New York. It also serves as a news source for residents of New York City. Newdays provides both local and national news. Watching Newsday gives me the ability to watch localized news, that is current and interesting topics. 

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