Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Blog #5: Instagram

Blog Post #5 

The app Instagram was created by Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger. Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger launched the app on October 6, 2010.  That first day of Instagram being public to people they gained 25,000 users. They created this app to allow for people to communicate through photos. In December of 2010, only two months after the launch of Instagram, the app hit one million users. Two years after the launch of Instagram, in 2012, the company Facebook bought out Instagram. They purchased it for 1 billion dollars. When instagram was first created, it was only offered for people who had iPhones, but in April of 2012, it was realized to Android users. From that the app was downloaded more than one million times just in that day alone. In the year 2016, Instagram had many new changes to the app. Starting in May of that year, Instagram changed the logo to the one see today. The new logo is much brighter and has more color appeal to it. Another change they made was the created the ability to post videos. This changed how Instagram originally started as only posting photos, so now having the ability to post videos, was a big change on the platform. Instagram also made an update to the app by adding direct messages. Direct messaging allowed for users to chat one on one privately. Lastly in the year 2016, they added the feature of posting stories. Stories, on Instagram are a way to post either an photo or video. These last for only 10 seconds and are on peoples feed for 24 hours. This allows for people to post something but not have it stay on their page past a day. Throughout the history of Instagram, there have been many updates and changes to the platform that has made it into the app most people still use today. 

With having Instagram as such a popular form of social media, it also has many impacts to it; starting with the idea of how it allows to post images. Having the ability to be anywhere and even at anytime just take out your phone and post whatever you want is become very beneficial. This allows you also to share what you are doing, but through posting photos or videos. Being tied to being able to post whatever you want, has made some people have what is known as online persona. Having an online persona means, what you post online can seem better than what you are actually doing or even how you are feeling. Another impact Instagram has is the affect it has on mental health. Seeing what other people post can make one jealous either by how they look or even by what someone else is doing. This has caused many people to struggle with mental heath issues. I personally don't think this is Instagram's fault, but by how much as a whole everyone is using social media. The last impact of Instagram is how companies can seem products to people and also how this platform allows for people to get anything important out to a large number of people. These two impacts go hand and hand because Instagram is such a large platform that anyone could reach a larger number of people just by posting something. Whether it be posting about trying to sell a product for a company, such as, clothes, makeup or even posting about something political; doing this allows for you to get any word out to a large number of people. 

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