Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Blog Post #7: Antiwar Voices

 Blog Post #7

Antiwar voices are something we never really see or hear about on mainstream media. Antiwar voices are voices of people who speak out against the war. This idea has been going on for centuries over people not agreeing with wars. There are many websites such as and American Conservative, that speak out about their hatred for wars. These websites although have a following aren't highly spoken about. Many people who are antiwar are usually silenced. This has been the same over many, many years. I believe these people are silenced because the mainstream media and even the government doesn't want more people to learn about these groups and also to hid the fact that what they are saying goes against what government believes. Before taking this class, I have never heard over anyone who was antiwar nor have ever seen any of these websites. Having to seek out websites like this and it not being spoken about in the media is just because the government doesn't like and agree with what these people are saying. I think government doesn't agree with these groups because they need people to want to be in the army, they put a lot of money towards it so they need people to value it for the coast and also the army protects us from foreign countries. This is important for the reason why the government would hid these groups from the rest of society. I beilve the the government should have the power to hid groups like this. This is because they are not a treat to the rest of society. Just because they don't like or agree with them doesn't make it okay they hid these peoples free speech from everyone else. Mainstream media should be allowed to post content like this and the government shouldn't be able to hid it. 

Blog post #6: Diffusion of innovation

 Blog Post #6

Diffusion of innovations is the idea of how and why new technology will sometimes become so popular. One item that have majorly spread because of diffusion of innovation is the the product we all know use, the iPhone. The iPhone first became popular right when it became realized to the public, which was in the year 2007. In the first four years of just being around Apple says they said over 100 million units. The reasoning to why many people first started to buy the iPhone was because the advertising the company did. Apple showed off all the cool, trendy tricks this phone was able to do. People also started to buy this phone because of the quality of it. It was seen to have a higher quality than many of the other phones out there. When looking at people who were late adaptors to getting the iPhone this was because the iPhone was something that almost because an essential product. Also looking at grandparents it gave them a way to easily connect with their children, grandchildren, and friends. IPhones allow for people to communicate easily with the use of not just picking up the face to call someone, but also FaceTiming someone and looking at the other person face. Some people may not adapt to the iPhone because they don't trust Apple, they believe it is too complicated to use, or they just can not afford it. Some negative consequences of the iPhone is that people may get too addicted to it. Having an iPhone has become very beneficial because it allows you to stay connected with people from anywhere at anytime. I believe the pros outweigh the cons because the iPhone has become such a staple in todays society, without it, it is hard to do most things. 

Blog Post #10: Final Blog Post

 Blog Post #10 Technology to me is something I values as an everyday necessity. Wether it be for fun like just strolling through Instagram a...