Sunday, May 2, 2021

Blog Post #9: Whistleblowing

Blog Post #9

Whistleblowing is defined as someone who informs about person or organization about the wrong doings or illegal activities that are going on. Whistleblowing is basically "blowing the whistle" on what is going wrong and needs to stoped. When looking the idea of whistleblowing and specking publicly on what is going wrong over a person or an organization, it is not what happens first. Before going public with the information you have, speaking to people within the company is usually the best option. This is so trying to resolve the issue that way can save a lot more issues down the line. Most of times because of that step, is why people blow the whistle of the company or person, because they just brush them off and nothing ever changes. When whistleblowing a company it takes a lot of courage because you are going out in public and calling them out for their wrong doings. When also doing this it they are also risking breaking the honor code of ethics of their company. This is because sometimes the information that you are outing to the public is private information. Whistleblowing has many pros and cons to it because of the outcome that can come with it. 

The reason for someone to blow the whistle on a company or person is something that can either a pro or a con. While you would automatically think how someone calling out the wrong doings of someone or a company would be a good thing many people would disagree. While looking and understanding whistleblowing there are many cons to it. Some cons to whistleblowing are you may lose your job, you can face retaliation, people may not believe what you are saying or choose to ignore you and then still use that company and people may stop trusting you. When understanding how people may not believe what are saying or even choose to ignore you, this is any issue because what you are trying to spread the word about, people may just not care. After many people Whistleblow a company, people still continue to that company. While it may be a good thing to call out a person or company on their wrong doing, people may start to not truth you because of what you did.Although some may think whistleblowing could just have problems after doing so, there are many benefits to doing so. With whistleblowing you are able to call out the company for its wrong doing and you are letting the public know what is going on. This is important to let people know what is going so people can see what may be their favorite company is doing behind close doors. Weather it be something that is very small or something is a really big deal for people to know about, I believe that people who blow the whistle on their company are very brave. Having the possibility to lose your job, have people stop trusting you and people just not believing you is something that too many is worth it because they are calling out the company or person that they are doing wring that was not getting fixed before. Whistleblowing is something takes much courage to do. 


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