Sunday, May 2, 2021

Blog Post #10: Final Blog Post

 Blog Post #10

Technology to me is something I values as an everyday necessity. Wether it be for fun like just strolling through Instagram and Tiktok or snap chatting someone or then using it for educational purposes for school, I use technology everyday. Technology has become something that is very popular and used at almost everything now a days. Whether it be checking into a doctors office, ordering at a restaurant or even using technology inside a classroom, technology has becomes something that is becoming part of our everyday lives. I first become exposed to technology after my 4th grade graduation by getting my first phone. Since then I have always thought and believed how phones are an important part of our lives. For me, getting a phone was a really big moment because I was able to talk to anyone whenever I wanted. I believe having a phone is also important because it also allows for someone if really need to call if they need help. Since getting my first phone, which wasn't anything to fancy, I have since gotten many iPhones. iPhones, are now something that almost everyone has because of how popular they are. Being able to be anywhere around the world and FaceTime someone, still amazes me. When looking at how my online presence, I believe I have a heavy one. I have many social media platforms and use them pretty often. Whether it be on Snapchat, Instagram, Tiktok, facebook or even linked inn, I seem to uses these platform at least once a day. 

When looking at my online presence, the only thing that may need editing is how much time I spend on it. I will admit that I use social media a lot. I could spend hours on end just on it scrolling post after post. There has been days I have been on Tiktok for over five hours. Although most of what I am looking at or watching is mindless stuff, I have been able to watch and find information that is actually very knowable to learn about. I believe in this generation almost everyone I know has all platforms of social media and uses them very frequently. Whether it be making plans with my friends on Snapchat or sending funny videos to someone on Tiktok, I have seen myself talking to people on social media platforms more than texting someone. 

I believe since the use have technology has become so popular, it has had many issues that have come along with it. Like the video we watched in class about the dark side of technology, they're many issues that follow it. Since people like to post everything they do on their social media thats they do, this causes other people to get fomo. Fomo has become something that is a major negative to technology because it can lead to depression. Having the feeling of being left out is something that no one wants to deal with. Another major issue of technology is the idea of people feeling insecure. Seeing how people may either have a perfect body or seem to have everything can cause people to feel about themself. This has become a more recent issue with especially girls feeling like they are not good enough. There is much more social media that is all about how one looks and what they post, there is much out their, I find very informative.

The use of technology has many pros and cons to it. Whether it be for calling for help, just talking to a friend or even using technology at the store to order something, the use has become something that is part of our everyday lives. While many pros to to the use of technology there are also cons such as people spending too much time on it and also it is now causing people to have mental health problems. Technology is something that is not gonna go away but only going to become more popular, and more part of our everyday lives. 

Blog Post #9: Whistleblowing

Blog Post #9

Whistleblowing is defined as someone who informs about person or organization about the wrong doings or illegal activities that are going on. Whistleblowing is basically "blowing the whistle" on what is going wrong and needs to stoped. When looking the idea of whistleblowing and specking publicly on what is going wrong over a person or an organization, it is not what happens first. Before going public with the information you have, speaking to people within the company is usually the best option. This is so trying to resolve the issue that way can save a lot more issues down the line. Most of times because of that step, is why people blow the whistle of the company or person, because they just brush them off and nothing ever changes. When whistleblowing a company it takes a lot of courage because you are going out in public and calling them out for their wrong doings. When also doing this it they are also risking breaking the honor code of ethics of their company. This is because sometimes the information that you are outing to the public is private information. Whistleblowing has many pros and cons to it because of the outcome that can come with it. 

The reason for someone to blow the whistle on a company or person is something that can either a pro or a con. While you would automatically think how someone calling out the wrong doings of someone or a company would be a good thing many people would disagree. While looking and understanding whistleblowing there are many cons to it. Some cons to whistleblowing are you may lose your job, you can face retaliation, people may not believe what you are saying or choose to ignore you and then still use that company and people may stop trusting you. When understanding how people may not believe what are saying or even choose to ignore you, this is any issue because what you are trying to spread the word about, people may just not care. After many people Whistleblow a company, people still continue to that company. While it may be a good thing to call out a person or company on their wrong doing, people may start to not truth you because of what you did.Although some may think whistleblowing could just have problems after doing so, there are many benefits to doing so. With whistleblowing you are able to call out the company for its wrong doing and you are letting the public know what is going on. This is important to let people know what is going so people can see what may be their favorite company is doing behind close doors. Weather it be something that is very small or something is a really big deal for people to know about, I believe that people who blow the whistle on their company are very brave. Having the possibility to lose your job, have people stop trusting you and people just not believing you is something that too many is worth it because they are calling out the company or person that they are doing wring that was not getting fixed before. Whistleblowing is something takes much courage to do. 


Blog post #8: The Age of AI

 Blog Post #8

Artificial intelligence which is known as AI, is the idea that computers and all technology is are able to preform tasks that were once done by only humans. The idea of artificial intelligence has become very popular in China and the United States. The ability of AI has become something with many pros and cons to it. With the ability to follow what you are doing online, see when you are cross the street, face recognization, help stop criminal threats online, and the many more abilities it has, people are both looking at as a positive and a negative. Throughout the first creation of artificial intelligence, many people have valued it as something that is becoming too invasive. With the government now having the ability to watch out every more online, some think this is overbearing. While yes that can be a con to this on, it now has the ability to see potential threats that someone may do. In the video we watched in class called In the Age of AI, it gave us an example of AI that is used in China, and how face recognization is becoming huge there. The explained how people their if they J-walk their face will be scanned by cameras on the streets and the person will get in trouble. This was crazy to learn about because of how big face recognization from AI is become to now being able to stop something so small. With the idea of how artificial intelligence is taking over human jobs, one job that is becoming bigger and really opened my eyes were self driving cars. Self driving cars has been something that have always been in movies and tv shows, but now is something is actually becoming a thing which is crazy. Although many cons to AI such has the ability for now the government to see everything you are doing online, this is something that is not going away anything soon but only going to become a bigger part of life. 

Blog Post #10: Final Blog Post

 Blog Post #10 Technology to me is something I values as an everyday necessity. Wether it be for fun like just strolling through Instagram a...